We live in the Dordogne departement only about 40 km from Saint Avit Senieur, but on one winter's day our furnace when on the blink. We decided to use that as excuse to get out of town and spend a night in the country. we could not have found a more congenial place. The accomodations are in the hosts's own house, located on a hilltop affording a panoramic view of the surrounding slopes and the town of Beaumont in the distance. Staying at Britavit was more like spending a night with friends on their country estate. The dinner for 28 euros included an aperitif in the salon, where we joined our host and another couple, who were old friends of his. The meal itself was plentiful and irreproachable, served en famille with our host and hostess and the other charming guests. Lively conversation was encouraged by the excellent wine and even a very special digestif (all included). The price for the room included a sumptuous breakfast. We wished we could have stayed longer, but we had to get back to our cats and the furnace repairman.