We have no words to say how terrible this hypothetical place is. An absolute scam - it's not even a hotel but an intricacy of what they themselves claim to be "an AirBnB agreement" which honestly only makes them look even worse. We arrived at 11am at the reception, and were told that check-in isn't until 2pm. Fine by us (although they had actually replied to an email 2 days prior that they can arrange for early check in). 4pm rolls by, and we return to the reception, where we are told that we will be escorted to our room 'just 2 minutes away'. We booked the room in via Vittoria so we knew it was a walk away....but we were escorted to a private building in Via del Macello, where we found an apartment with empty rooms and a dirty kitchen...and a welcome sign of a particular AirBnB host, which name was certainly not Spanish Suite. Upset...but we just shut up about it, mood got worse when we realised we had no toiletries and no hot water - we called them and someone actually came and fixed the water heating within 30 minutes. We went out to explore Rome and get a call from the reception telling us we need to check out of our room by 9am the following day (Sunday) due to technical repairs needed (Governmental repairs in Italy on a Sunday?! did they expect us to believe that?), we were specifically asked to leave our belongings in the room and staff will take it to the new location. We thought this was suspicious and our alarm bells went on full alert. After a discussion to try make heads and tails of this, we agreed to meet the alleged 'staff' at 8am and carry our things ourselves before we start out day. Nobody showed up until 8:40...and we found out that the two sent gentlemen were ?cleaning staff who were forced to come pick us up. We asked them where the new location is, and they told us Via Vittoria....and proceeded to walk in the complete opposite direction... My husband insisted that we are taken to our supposed Via Vittoria room and we were told that it is being used, and that we could only access it after 2-3pm. We questioned this cos if the room wasn't available, why would they have taken our booking? Or at least give us a call before we arrive in Italy just to give us a heads up. They simply told us to keep walking as "they are tired". They also cordially told us that Spanish Steps is "like an AirBnB, the buildings aren't theirs". What they didn't know is that we speak italian and have been to Rome quite a few times before - i speak to my husband mainly in english - so we could understand the conversations between them. It was nothing pleasant, and one blatantly told the other 'not to speak to the girl as it's better to discuss with the male'. We just couldn't do this anymore. I just walked to the first nearby boutique hotel and booked the first room I could find for the rest of the stay. A few hours later we were actually having coffee at the spanish steps and saw another couple being escorted into the same building and the lights o