No. 7 Xinminfang Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing City, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Van Alexander
Barley Mini Room With Projection Capable TV, Smart Bathroom, Xiaomi Hairdryer
Menginap di Jan 2025
10 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Feb 2025
Comfortable room right beside the Confucius temple makes it a great place to stay for CNY as the lantern festival is only a block away, no complaints.
Tanggapan dari Properti: May good luck always be on your side.Dear guests, thank you for your review, Kuandu Hotel is located in the Old Gate East scenic area, beside the city wall of Zhonghua Gate. Nearby attractions are the Temple of Mercy, Confucius Temple, Wuyi Lane, Yuhuatai, Avant-garde bookstore and so on. Stay at Kuandu Hotel and experience the traces of the six ancient capitals around, looking forward to your visit again!💖
Barley Mini Room With Projection Capable TV, Smart Bathroom, Xiaomi Hairdryer
Menginap di Okt 2024
9 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 21 Nov 2024
The room is compact but comfortable. All basic utilities and amenities are provided. Very close to historical attractions like the Wall. Quite far away from subway, about 1.5 km walk, but I thought it is not tough if you walk in the good weather day and the area walked pass through were quite interesting
Tanggapan dari Properti: May good luck always be on your side.Dear guests, thank you for your review, Kuandu Hotel is located in the Old Gate East scenic area, beside the city wall of Zhonghua Gate. Nearby attractions are the Temple of Mercy, Confucius Temple, Wuyi Lane, Yuhuatai, Avant-garde bookstore and so on. Stay at Kuandu Hotel and experience the traces of the six ancient capitals around, looking forward to your visit again!💖
Pengguna Anonim
Barley Mini Room With Projection Capable TV, Smart Bathroom, Xiaomi Hairdryer
Menginap di Mei 2024
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 9 Agt 2024
The hotel is located very near to Lao Men Dong and Fu Zi Miao, its all within walking distance. Plenty of restaurant options. The staff was very helpful in resolving the issues we had. We had a lovely stay and would come back!
Tanggapan dari Properti: May good luck always be on your side.Dear guests, thank you for your review, Kuandu Hotel is located in the Old Gate East scenic area, beside the city wall of Zhonghua Gate. Nearby attractions are the Temple of Mercy, Confucius Temple, Wuyi Lane, Yuhuatai, Avant-garde bookstore and so on. Stay at Kuandu Hotel and experience the traces of the six ancient capitals around, looking forward to your visit again!
Barley Mini Room With Projection Capable TV, Smart Bathroom, Xiaomi Hairdryer
Menginap di Apr 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 23 Mei 2024
Amazing location and really kind staff. Nanjing's highlights are on walking distance and on a quiet and scenic location
Tanggapan dari Properti: May good luck always be on your side.Dear guests, thank you for your five-star review, Kuandu Hotel is located in the Old Gate East scenic area, beside the city wall of Zhonghua Gate. Nearby attractions are the Temple of Mercy, Confucius Temple, Wuyi Lane, Yuhuatai, Avant-garde bookstore and so on. Stay at Kuandu Hotel and experience the traces of the six ancient capitals around, looking forward to your visit again!💖
Pengguna Anonim
Barley Mini Room With Projection Capable TV, Smart Bathroom, Xiaomi Hairdryer
Tanggapan dari Properti: 歲歲無虞,長安長樂。感謝您的評價!寬渡酒店以賓至如歸為宗旨,希望在您的旅途中留下的痕跡都是美好的。最喜煙波玲瓏處,一城一河醉秦淮,住在寬渡客棧,體驗周邊六朝古都歲月痕跡,期待您的再一次光臨!
Barley Mini Room With Projection Capable TV, Smart Bathroom, Xiaomi Hairdryer
Menginap di Nov 2024
27 ulasan
Diposting pada 8 Des 2024
Великолепно! Все детально продумано и очень эстетично. Каждая мелочь красива. Гостеприимный персонал всегда помогает. Мы в восхищении! Обязательно вернемся при первой возможности. Благодарим за тёплый прием. Место для эстетов и гурманов.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Будьтездоровыисчастливы!Большое спасибо за вашу полную поддержку партитуры. Нанкин – это город с историей, а Куанду – это теплый отель, который подарит вам тихое наслаждение в центре города, а город спрятан в городе. Вода и луна проходят сквозь медитацию и тишину, и жителям Куанду суждено с нетерпением ждать вашего визита снова!
Barley Mini Room With Projection Capable TV, Smart Bathroom, Xiaomi Hairdryer
Menginap di Okt 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Des 2024
일단 엄청 깨끗해요. 이 가격에 이 정도 청결도면 진짜 가성비 엄청납니다! 직원분들도 정말 너무 친절하고 서비스도 좋아서 불편한 건 하나도 없었습니당ㅎㅎ
근데 화장실 문이 딱 닫히는게 아니라 위에 틈이 좀 있는 거라 방음이나 습기 조절이 조금 어렵습니다. 겨울에는 오히려 촉촉해서 좋긴한데 여전히 화장실 쓸 때가 좀 민망.. 또 변압기 필수입니다. 돼지코 한국 거 넣는 곳은 없어요ㅠ
주변에 왔다갔다 하기는 너무 좋고 배달도 편리해서 위치는 괜찮았어요. 뮈가 되었든 일단 깨끗하고 너무 친절하셔서 다시 간다해도 이곳 선택할 거 같습니다😆
Tanggapan dari Properti: 행운이 있기를 빕니다!친애하는 손님, 당신의 성급 호평에 감사 드립니다, kuandu 호텔은 집처럼 편안함을 목표로, 당신의 여정이 아름다운 흔적을 남기길 바랍니다.벽 주위에 주위에 오래된 문, 더 편리한 다음 방문을 기대합니다!
Pengguna Anonim
Barley Mini Room With Projection Capable TV, Smart Bathroom, Xiaomi Hairdryer