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Kamar Deluxe Queen
Menginap di Agt 2024
1 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 19 Agt 2024
Need improve the breast meal
Tanggapan dari Properti: Sorry to bring you a bad experience, we do not have a mother and baby room at present, this is a vacancy in our service. We are evaluating the space and resources and hope to be able to provide such a facility as soon as possible. If you need to breastfeed or change a diaper while waiting for the mother and baby room to be set up, please let our staff know, we can provide a more private space to meet your needs, you are welcome to provide more comments andsuggestions to help us improve our service. Your opinion is very valuable to us. If you have any questions or need immediate assistance, please feel free to contact us, we are always ready to serve you. Thank you again for your feedback and look forward to your next visit!
Adarsh Deorah
Kamar Deluxe Queen
Menginap di Mei 2023
16 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Mei 2023
The bathroom there was water leakage
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guests, hello! Thank you for choosing our hotel. I'm sorry to bring you a bad stay experience. During your stay in the hotel, you can contact the waiter at any time if you have any facilities and equipment problems in the room, and we will be happy to solve them for you 24 hours a day. We regret that this stay failed to meet your expectations, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Hotel management attaches great importance to it, and has made serious investigation and timely rectification. Your tolerance and understanding are the inspiration and support for our work! Sincerely look forward to your coming again! !
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【周邊繁華吃喝玩樂俱全】【入住即享百寶箱服務】感謝與您的不期而遇,讓我們有緣相識於“華海酒店”,感謝您的選擇和信任,非常開心看到客官的好評,咱們的基本目標就是讓您住的開心舒適,最終目標就是讓您感受到驚喜和滿意,您一定要常來,咱們一定會給您一個更好的感受,我們會一直保持初心,不偏離最初的軌道,越走越遠,華海酒店一直在這兒期待您的再次光臨哦~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【人性化細節酒店】【營養早餐】親愛的客人,從陌生到相識,從客人到朋友,點點滴滴的相遇都記錄我們美好的回憶,我們為您提供的不僅僅是品質的服務,更為您帶去一份“家“的記憶,我們秉承着顧客至上的服務理念,小管家貼心服務(免費洗衣服,烘乾衣服服務,免費生活小用品提供,免費充電器提供,免費複印,打印等等)親可以隨時24小時致電或者微信小管家我們會第一時間為您服務哦!每一處細節都讓親入住的温馨,我們會用幸福的心情期待和親的再次相遇~
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【24小時管家式服務】【免費泡腳】【免費宵夜】【免費擦鞋】親愛的朋友:非常開心看見了您的滿意評價~這是對小維最大的安慰和鼓勵呢~我們在追求卓越的道路上一直前行,並希望道路上能有您的支持和鼓勵,非常期待您的再次入住呢~~~~~~非常期待與您的再次相遇,我們下次見哦~嘻嘻