vivi normalia
10 November 2024
Kamar sangat luas, bersih dengan fasilitas yang lengkap ada microwave nya juga, kami berada di tower 5 dan sangat nyaman. Staff nya ramah dan informatif. Untuk jaraknya mungkin ga terlalu menjadi kendala karna ada suttle bus setiap saat, mungkin agar ditingkatkan lagi terkait kesediaan stulle bus pada hari jum'at karna sangat penuh dan rame, overall memuaskan, terima kasih.
The room is very spacious, clean with complete facilities, there is also a microwave, we are in tower 5 and very comfortable. The staff is friendly and informative. For the distance, it may not be too much of an obstacle because there is a shuttle bus at all times, maybe to be improved again regarding the availability of shuttle buses on Fridays because they are very full and crowded, overall satisfactory, thank you.