This hotel receives some of the highest ratings on ***********,, and here. We booked the hotel as a result and were just amazed at the disconnect between the reviews and the reality. The hotel is dim and claustrophobic. Staff are fairly helpful. However, the rooms -- or at least the one we were assigned -- are uncomfortable and dirty. We found lights broken, garbage still on the floor from a previous tenant, and a dingy, very tight, and unclean bathroom. There were mosquitos in the room, probably due to the window that would not close, leaving an always-open 1.5cm gap. The air conditioner turned on, but then turned off. The towels were grey. The bed was small, mushy, and poor quality and sagged to the middle. The window was filthy, but no matter, it looked out to a wall a couple of feet away. We stayed only a couple of hours while I searched for a better hotel. On leaving, I received no difficulty or quarrel with the staff. Again, they were quite reasonable. What really bothers me is that this hotel has risen to, or near to, the top on many sites. I understand that my North American perspectives may not square with those of people from around the world, but still, it seems improbable that so many would praise this property so enthusiastically. My advice is simply to lower your expectations significantly if you stay here. It is a cheap place to lay down your head, but it's no more, and probably something less, than you should expect for the price.