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Menginap di Apr 2023
3 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 7 Agt 2023
Güzel hotel.
Nice hotel
Kamar Budget Twin
Menginap di Sep 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
10 ulasan
Diposting pada 1 Nov 2024
화장실이 진짜 너무 작고 언제 누가 사용했는지 모르는 비누가 한 열개있음
샤워실이 따로없고 진짜 그냥 너무 작음
화장실 문이랑 침대랑 붙어있음..
Menginap di Mei 2024
11 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 21 Jul 2024
Menginap di Agt 2023
Diposting pada 20 Sep 2023
hotel paling mengerikan yang pernah saya kunjungi, Kamarnya sangat kecil & kecil seperti pasangan dengan barang bawaannya tidak akan bisa bergerak bebas. Hujan adalah yang terburuk yang pernah ada. Kadang-kadang mereka tidak membersihkan kamar Anda. nyamuk & serangga di mana-mana. Staf tidak membantu kami meminta kamar yang lebih baik namun tidak ada tanggapan. itu harusnya mendapat kurang dari 1 bintang. Kesimpulan jangan sampai ke hotel ini, ini adalah penipuan terhadap apa yang akan Anda lihat online.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Menginap di Jan 2024
Diposting pada 25 Feb 2024
The hotel is located in the center of Taxim. Very small room, no space to place personal belongings. There is no shower in the small bathroom. TV does not have the option of selecting international - foreign programs. When the window is opened, there are all the time the smells of the neighboring ventilations - the smell of the kitchen. The sound of the refrigerator is loud. There is no sound insulation from the next room. Breakfast, I have never experienced such a small and modest selection, but I have visited Istanbul at least 30 times... Disappointment! I had a booking elsewhere, but they transferred me...
Menginap di Jul 2023
Diposting pada 15 Agt 2023
I initially booked The Golden Pera Hotel on ***********, but they did not keep their commitment, and had no room for us at 11 PM in a foreign to us city of Istanbul. This is a separate story which I will write a review about as well. We would not have to deal with Taksim Diamond if our booking with The Golden Pera was honored. So The GP referred us to as they called it a "better" hotel which was Taksim Diamond Hotel. They charged us $78 without showing us the pigeon hole they were putting us -three people- in. We could not open the door to our room, because the room was literally 2 meters by 2 meters or close to that. Could not open the door into the microscopic bathroom because it interfered with the bed. Could not shower because the bathroom was microscopic and the toilet and the shower were in the same area. If you showered , your toilet paper and towels would be all soaking wet. Two people could not be in that bathroom at all. Microscopic sink also. I dont want to sound prejudice, but I felt like hotel people are so used to lying that they dont even feel any remorse. Cannot trust them! Also, on the internet all hotels look big and nice. In reality, unlike American hotels, they are mostly microscopic. If you want a nice hotel, it is not cheap in Turkiye! Anything below $100 is going to be a lemon. Go with the established brand names to be safe and happy, but be prepared to pay between $200-500 per day. Good luck to you travelers
Menginap di Jun 2022
Diposting pada 5 Jul 2022
Where do I start, one of the worse experiences of my life I travel often and stayed in many hotels This Hotel shouldn't be 3 * more like 0 * *********** should remove them from there site. The room was tiny not fit for two adult & two children No space to move let alone put ur baggage The beds sheets had stain & mattress very uncomfortable Toilets very dirty We asked to cancel our stay but the reception staff wasn't helpful at all Refused our request even though *********** has told them to issue us refund After contacting *********** several times & *********** contacting the hotel several times thy gave us some of the money back While we were unhappy there we meet few other families feeling helpless by the hotel refusing them of refund so they can go to a different hotel Wouldn't recommend anyone to book this hotel!!
Menginap di Jan 2024
Diposting pada 29 Feb 2024
Si vous trouvez des avis avec 5 étoiles, sachez que c'est impossible ! Ça doit être des faux avis ! Fuyez l'hôtel diamonds Taksim!!! La propreté de l'hôtel est lamentable ! Les chambres sont crasseuses, dégoûtant ! Tache d’urine sur les oreillers et les draps, poils dans le lit, poussières partout, sachet de chips sous le lit, douche qui fuie ….. Une salle de bain qui ne permet même pas de se doucher tellement elle est petite! Une cage à lapin! Vous prenez votre douche et vous ne pouvez même plus aller aux toilettes car ils sont trop mouillés! En fait vous avez la douche sur les toilettes!!! Une nuit horrible ! Si je peux me faire rembourser des autres nuits, je m'en vais immédiatement !!! Sans parler que nous avons réservé une chambre quadruple (un grand lit double et 2 lits simples) Arrivée sur place la misère commence… Notre chambre a été donnée à quelqu'un d'autre, donc on nous propose une chambre avec 1 lit double et un lit… Donc un enfant on le couche où ?? Dans la douche ? Le pire hôtel de ma vie!!!!!! un seul mot fuyez!!
Menginap di Jun 2024
Diposting pada 29 Jul 2024
все очень хорошо, кормят отлично и комнаты хорошие 💋 рекомендую! персоналу большая благодарность, обслуживание в номере хороше, все есть и шампуни и много чего другого. в столовой если что-то закончилось, то ты можешь попросить и тебе принесут это. приезжайте, не пожелеете!
Menginap di Nov 2023
Diposting pada 16 Des 2023
Наихудшей конуры я никогда не видел.Начиная с уборки,которой нет,стеснённостью номеров,Курением прямо в ресепшене,заносилось тягой прямо в конуру,шумом , музыкой и ржанием до самого утра.Мелкая моль и сырость.До душа не добраться(слишком тесно).Еле отмылись и постирались по прилету домой.Не рекомендую.
Menginap di Agt 2022
Diposting pada 1 Sep 2022
Beş metrekare odaya üç yatak sığdırmışlar resmen rezillik.Gitmeyin.Çarşafları kendimiz değiştirdik.kızıma koydukları yataktan dolayı lavabo kapısı açılmadı rezillik.biz gittik kendi paramız ile rezil olduk teyzem ve kuzenim ile beraber gelmiştik iki oda için 4000 TL ödedik ve paramızla rezil olduk odalar minicik güneş almıyor lavabo kapısı açılmıyor.gerçekten kaldığım oda pisti.oda zaten minicik bavulunuzu yere koyunca geçicek yer bile yok.biz gittik pişman olduk siz gitmeyin pişman olmayın.