Near East of Shihua Avenue (Xiaojingwan), Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Pengguna Anonim
Kamar Penemuan Samudra dengan Tempat Tidur King
Menginap di Jul 2024
15 ulasan
Diposting pada 4 Sep 2024
Pantainya sangat jelek, dasarnya berlumpur, dan banyak kerang yang menusuk kaki.
Saya datang ke sini beberapa tahun yang lalu dan itu cukup baru dan layanannya bagus. Tahun ini jelas jauh lebih tua dan layanannya mulai gagal mengimbangi.
Kamar yang kami pesan berada di ujung koridor. Sepertinya di lantai 5. Dengan barang bawaan dan anak-anak, setiap kami keluar untuk makan atau bermain, kami harus berjalan jauh menuju lift ke lantai satu, kami harus berjalan ke lantai lain untuk menuju kolam renang. Saya benar-benar tidak ingin memesan hotel dengan tata letak koridor yang panjang lain kali.
1.900 per malam termasuk prasmanan. Dibandingkan dengan hotel bintang lima serupa di Huizhou, Shenzhen, harganya masuk akal. Tidak murah dan tidak mahal.
Saya terutama mengeluh tentang lampu di ruangan ini. Seharusnya diganti nanti? Tombol di samping tempat tidur terhubung ke lampu di kamar mandi. Setelah dimatikan, lampu di seluruh rumah akan mati malam hari, atau menyalakan lampu di malam hari dan membangunkan seluruh rumah. Parahnya akhirnya saya menemukan lampu yang bisa dinyalakan sendiri, ternyata lampu sorot di atas tempat tidur yang sangat menyilaukan. Lagipula pencahayaan di ruangan ini aneh.
Kebersihannya pas-pasan, fasilitasnya sudah sangat tua, dan batu-batu di kamar mandi terlihat kotor dan gelap, meski terasa bersih saat disentuh.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Para tamu yang terhormat, halo! Pertama-tama, terima kasih banyak telah mengunjungi Le Méridien Xiaojing Bay dan meluangkan waktu untuk berbagi pengalaman menginap Anda. Kami sangat menyesal atas masalah yang menimpa Anda. Masalah relevan yang Anda sebutkan telah diberitahukan kepada departemen terkait secara tepat waktu dan diverifikasi, untuk memberi Anda pengalaman check-in yang lebih baik. Kami dengan tulus meminta maaf kepada Anda lagi dan dengan tulus menantikan kunjungan Anda lagi, temukan peningkatan dan perubahan kami, dan izinkan kami memberikan layanan dan pengalaman yang lebih baik untuk Anda.
Pengguna Anonim
Kamar Penemuan Samudra dengan Tempat Tidur King
Menginap di Feb 2025
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 5 Mar 2025
We had a nice stay here, hotel facilities are great. I would recommend this hotel and book it again!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 帶着三月的未完成,在四月奔跑起來,即使道路泥濘,也會收穫遍野的浪漫。非常感謝您對小徑灣艾美酒店的支持,很開心得知閲己提供了令您滿意的服務,我們始終相信好的口碑一定是從客人最真誠的滿意度推薦出去的,同時我們也十分榮幸為您提供優質的服務及舒適的環境。希望我們熱情的服務讓您感受到了家一般的暖心。再次感謝您暖心及細緻的點評。小徑灣·艾美攜温柔的風,傍晚的落日,再次恭候您的到來。
Kamar Penemuan Samudra dengan Tempat Tidur King
Menginap di Jan 2025
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Mar 2025
Very nice location just on the beach. The hotel staff , specially Camilla , was very hospitable and friendly. We had been there for two nights to celebrate our wedding anniversary and were given a room upgrade with room decoration and cake . All free of cost. Thank you Camilla for managing our trip in such a memorable way. All staff were very polite and helpful. They could speak in English . I would definitely recommend this hotel with a Five star rating. We had a wonderful and memorable stay at Le Meridian.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Measure the world with your feet and record the scenery with your eyes. It is a great pleasure to have you visit Le Méridien xiaojing Bay, which is strategically located on the thousands of kilometres of platinum sand beach in xiaojing Bay, where exquisite global culture meets local characteristics. At the same time, in order to enrich the stay experience of in-house guests, we have cooperated with the travel photography team, and more travel photography scenes are waiting for you to unlock. Not only that, but you can also enjoy the X-BOX in your room. We want to provide you with satisfactory service in a variety of ways. The best time is on the road, waiting for you to come back again, continuing the leisurely time on the shores of the South China Sea.
Kamar Penemuan Samudra dengan Tempat Tidur King
Menginap di Sep 2024
10 ulasan
Diposting pada 20 Okt 2024
This hotel is built on an undescripably beautiful landscape that we can hide in the pool over looking such endless beach! ⛱️
I came from a very metropolitan city &travel in many countries,but still found this is a heavenly gifted Oasis!
Tanggapan dari Properti: I am very pleased that the Le Meridien Hotel in Trails Bay has brought you a wonderful vacation, and every sunny day will make us grateful. Your encouragement is the driving force for us to keep moving forward. On the private balcony of the hotel, you can feel the gentle sea breeze and enjoy the magnificent sea view of the sea and sky, which is a kind of enjoyment. Looking forward to exploring the charm of American style vacations with you again in the near future. Wishing you a pleasant day.
Kamar Ocean Discovery 2 Tempat Tidur Double
Menginap di Agt 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 14 Sep 2024
Perfect place to stay. Clean and very polite workers. Thanks to Mike☺️. Definitely coming back💯
Tanggapan dari Properti: Sincerity and enthusiasm will always be the foundation of Little Path Bay Amy. Thank you very much for your support of the Le Meridien Hotel in Trails Bay. We are delighted to learn that Mike has provided you with satisfactory service. We always believe that a good reputation is recommended based on the sincere satisfaction of our guests. At the same time, we are honored to provide you with high-quality service and authentic cuisine. I hope our enthusiastic service has made you feel the warmth of home. Thank you again for your warm and thoughtful feedback. Little Path Bay Amy awaits your arrival once again, carrying the gentle wind and the evening sunset.
Kamar Ocean Chic dengan Tempat Tidur King Size
Menginap di Mei 2024
37 ulasan
Diposting pada 4 Jul 2024
A great location by the ocean, great facilities, loved the swimming pool, super friendly staff however the western restaurant (outside of buffet hours) is super slow, and unprofessional service.
The sea is not for swimming.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 在大自然裏撒野,迷失整個初夏。 非常感謝您對小徑灣艾美酒店的支持,我們始終相信好的口碑一定是從客人最真誠的滿意度推薦出去的,同時我們也十分榮幸為您提供了舒適的環境,此外關於您提及的事宜,我們已經立即通知相關部門加強員工培訓,對此給您帶來的不愉快體驗,我們深表歉意,期待您再次入住,發現我們的提升與改變,探索小徑灣更多精彩瞬間。最好的時光在路上,靜候您的再次光臨,發現我們的改變與提升,延續南中國海之濱的的悠然時光。
Kamar Penemuan Samudra dengan Tempat Tidur King
Menginap di Mar 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Mei 2024
Friendly services provided by front desk receptionist Hayley 沈 .. Fantastic experiences..Will visit again
Tanggapan dari Properti: 漫步在日落與徑灣裏,風裡伴着海洋的味道。您記住了來自南中國海之濱-小徑灣·艾美酒店的美好時光讓我們心裏感動萬分,讓賓客享有美好的入住體驗是我們義不容辭的責任。在所有的道別裏,最喜歡下次見。我在小徑灣靜候您的再次光臨。
Kamar Penemuan Samudra dengan Tempat Tidur King
Menginap di Mei 2024
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 21 Jun 2024
The manager Eurika Lin is very helpful and is was a great trip
Tanggapan dari Properti: 謝謝您的點評與分享,您的好評令我們歡喜雀躍,希望您能擁有一段愉悦的南中國海之濱回憶,能為您服務是我們的榮幸。酒店坐落於小徑灣延綿數公里的鉑金沙灘之上,無論是白天的旅遊度假,亦或是傍晚的海濱漫步,每一步都是悠閑恬靜的享受。期待不久的將來與您再次相見,真誠的祝您擁有愉快的一天!
Damien Pierre Rene
Kamar Ocean Discovery 2 Tempat Tidur Double
Menginap di Sep 2024
32 ulasan
Diposting pada 20 Okt 2024
À nice and clean hotel with many facilities, the rooms are large quiet and bright. Breakfast is good as well.
When we arrived the rooms were not ready but Erica managed to find a solution and help us get a room faster. She also found the stuff I forgot in the room and sent it quickly to our home.
Thank you Erica and the team of the Hotel!
Tanggapan dari Properti: I am very pleased that the Le Meridien Hotel in Trails Bay has brought you a wonderful vacation, and every sunny day will make us grateful. Your encouragement is the driving force for us to keep moving forward. On the private balcony of the hotel, you can feel the gentle sea breeze and enjoy the magnificent sea view of the sea and sky, which is a kind of enjoyment. Looking forward to exploring the charm of American style vacations with you again in the near future. Wishing you a pleasant day.
Kamar Ocean Discovery 2 Tempat Tidur Double
Menginap di Agt 2024
22 ulasan
Diposting pada 18 Sep 2024
Very good 👍
Tanggapan dari Properti: 不知不覺搭乘上駛入秋天的纜車,開始探索徑灣的奧祕,歡迎您來到詩畫般的山海世界。希望我們的暖心服務讓您感受到了家一般的温暖。酒店擁有296間寬敞的客房及套房,温馨的大地色及原木設計風格,每間客房面積均在66平米之上,暢遊於無邊際泳池,觀賞小徑灣海天一色的迷人海景。我們衷心期待您的再次下榻,與我們共同探索小徑灣更多精彩瞬間。
Kamar Ocean Chic dengan Tempat Tidur King Size
Menginap di Jul 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
8 ulasan
Diposting pada 24 Sep 2024
Nice private beach view
Tanggapan dari Properti: The sky is very blue, the sun is warm, and the best time is on the road. I am honored that this Emmy tour has brought you a wonderful experience, and I would like to thank you for your heartfelt praise and commendation as a reference for other guests. All of this is a great encouragement for our work, and your support is the greatest motivation for us to continuously create high-quality services for our guests. We hope to provide our guests with a unique American style vacation experience through meticulous, thoughtful, and enthusiastic service, allowing them to feel at ease and relax during their Amy time. Not only that, in order to enrich the experience of our guests, we have partnered with a travel photography company to leave beautiful moments for them. Looking forward to exploring more exciting moments with you in the near future.
Kamar Ocean Discovery 2 Tempat Tidur Double
Menginap di Okt 2024
11 ulasan
Diposting pada 30 Nov 2024
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for your review and sharing. Your positive feedback has made us happy and excited. We hope you have a pleasant memory of the South China Sea coast. We will convey your recognition of the service team as soon as possible. It is our honor to serve you. The hotel is located on the platinum beach that stretches for several kilometers along the small path bay. Whether it's a daytime vacation or an evening seaside stroll, every step is a leisurely and peaceful enjoyment. Looking forward to seeing you again in the near future, and sincerely wishing you a pleasant day!
Kamar Ocean Discovery 2 Tempat Tidur Double
Menginap di Jun 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 5 Okt 2024
Mia service is good
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for choosing the Le Meridien Hotel on Trails Bay to spend your holiday. Your support and kindness are the greatest driving force for us to keep moving forward. We will continue to work hard to bring thoughtful service, authentic cuisine, and more diverse destination exploration journeys to more guests. Looking forward to your next booking and sincerely wishing you a pleasant day.
Kamar Ocean Chic dengan Tempat Tidur King Size
Menginap di Nov 2023
Bepergian dengan teman
35 ulasan
Diposting pada 1 Jan 2024
The room is good, properly sized studio style room with a great sea view. The hotel is not overly crowded, which makes staying experience very pleasant. The highlight of this hotel is that the rooms give 6 bottles of water instead of 4. Also, there are two pairs of reusable sandals for walking around the hotel without the need of wearing shoes. I also like the logo on seashore which is good spot to take picture.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 送你一朵小紅花,來年多喜樂。感謝您選擇小徑灣艾美酒店,您的選擇與留言是對我們高度的讚賞,我們會將這份肯定轉化為繼續努力的動力。不斷為旅客提供如家般的温暖和服務,讓每位客人體驗到賓至如歸。酒店坐落於小徑灣延綿數公里的鉑金沙灘之上,無論是白天的旅遊度假,亦或是傍晚的海濱漫步,每一步都是悠閑恬靜的享受。期待不久的將來與您再次相見,祝您春節順遂,財運滾滾,歡歡喜喜過大年。
Kamar Penemuan Samudra dengan Tempat Tidur King
Menginap di Mei 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 1 Jul 2024
I checked out a day early as my plans changed. They surprisingly refunded me. Service throughout was excellent. Kind and polite staff. I would definitely recommend anyone visiting Daya bay to stay here.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 城市呆久了,某一刻也會突然很想去海邊吹吹海風,聽聽海浪,看看潮起潮落。感謝您入住小徑灣艾美酒店,我們會第一時間轉達您對團隊的認可,您的滿意是促使我們不斷前行的最大動力。很高興酒店能夠得到您的喜愛,同時非常感謝您願意抽出寶貴的時間向我們反饋了此次入住體驗和5分好評。酒店擁有296間寬敞的客房及套房,温馨的大地色及原木設計風格,每間客房面積均在66平米之上,暢遊於無邊際泳池,觀賞小徑灣海天一色的迷人海景。我們衷心期待您的再次下榻,與我們共同探索小徑灣更多精彩瞬間。