No.87 Shimao Avenue, Songbei District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Deluxe King
Menginap di Okt 2024
14 ulasan
Diposting pada 11 Nov 2024
Hotel ini memiliki transportasi yang nyaman, ada pusat perbelanjaan di sebelahnya, sangat nyaman untuk bermain ski dan berbelanja. Meja depan hotel profesional dan departemen hubungan tamu sangat perhatian dan teliti untuk bertanya tentang kebutuhan menginap saya. Saya sangat berterima kasih kepada mereka yang telah membantu saya selama saya menginap. Kamarnya terang, bersih dan lingkungannya bagus, anak-anak sangat menyukainya jelas dan staf pelayanannya antusias. Saya sangat puas dengan kunjungan saya kali ini. Saya akan memilih Wanda Vista Hotel lagi ketika saya datang ke Erbin👍👍👍
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: [Terletak di kawasan bisnis dengan lokasi yang sangat baik] Tamu yang terhormat, terima kasih telah memilih Wanda Vista Harbin Hotel sebagai tempat menginap Anda di Bingcheng. Hotel ini memiliki banyak tipe kamar yang berbeda mulai dari kamar deluxe untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Lokasi dan layanan yang unggul dengan ciri khas merek Wanda Vista akan membuat Anda merasakan pengalaman menginap yang hemat. Kami dengan tulus mengundang Anda untuk mengunjungi kami lagi.
Deluxe Twin
Menginap di Nov 2024
40 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 8 Jan 2025
Service is good, restaurant food has abundance of choices for breakfast.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, thank you for choosing Harbin Wanda Vista Hotel. The hotel's service tenet is to provide international services of outstanding quality, efficient and comfortable for business travel and leisure vacation guests. We are honored to have your favor and look forward to meeting you again
Kwang Hin
Kamar Superior Deluxe Double
Menginap di Nov 2024
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 28 Des 2024
Location is good, room is clean and view is nice.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【地處商圈 位置優越】感謝您對哈爾濱萬達文華酒店服務的認可。為您提供愉悦而高效的酒店服務,是我們一如既往的標準。再次感謝您的支持與厚愛,酒店將不定期推出各項客房優惠,敬請關注飯店各大預訂平台獲取更多資訊。誠邀再次光臨。
Boon Tian
Deluxe Twin
Menginap di Nov 2023
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 20 Des 2023
Appreciate the upgrade to club level at 15th floor but the room was very warm despite I opened the window & it was winter time. No air con available so room service pushed in an old, bulky & noisy 1 & only 1 portable “air conditioning”. 1st time in my life I stayed in a 5 stars hotel room feeling uncomfortable, noisy (from the street & the bulky air conditioning) & sweaty thru out the night. Asked to change room the next day. Hotel changed both my & my children room to a lower floor. Much cooler but air pollution was the killer this time. Rooms & corridors walkway were infested with cigarette smell & smoke. Yes I saw cigarette smoke coming out from a few rooms when I was walking to my children’s room. This is really the greatest problem with China hotels. China guests are fine to ignore the non smoking signs in the rooms & toilets. Room complementary services were miserable. Only 2 cups, no spoons. Average quality shower gel was used. Breakfast was below average for a 5 stars hotel. Location was okay. There is a big mall opposite & some nice restaurants nearby. Next time I shall stick to staying in an international hotel over China hotels unless they can adhere to the non smoking rule & provide 5 stars room services for 5 stars price.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您與我們分享您的居停體驗。您的反饋意見對我們十分珍貴,相關內容已經轉達給部門負責人跟進。房間內備品的問題您可以隨時致電賓客服務中心與我們取得聯繫。誠邀您再次光臨並見證我們的改變。Dear guest, thank you for sharing your parking experience with us. Your feedback is very valuable to us, and the relevant content has been conveyed to the department head for follow-up. If you have any questions about the spare parts in the room, you can call our guest service center at any time . We sincerely invite you to visit again and witness our changes.
khoo ying gi
Deluxe King
Menginap di Nov 2023
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 27 Des 2023
Amazing experience good service and nice breakfast
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您選擇哈爾濱萬達文華酒店,我們很榮幸得到您對酒店作出的好評和稱讚!您的認可是我們前行的動力,酒店將不斷提高服務質量,帶給您更多驚喜體驗。再次感謝您對哈爾濱萬達文華酒店的厚愛,我們期待着你的再次光臨。
Pumpkin L
Deluxe King
Menginap di Mei 2023
13 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 20 Jun 2023
Love the room is great everything was good i enjoyed the breakfast there were a lot of different selections it was yummy one thing I didn’t like is that I had to go downstairs every time I ordered a delivery Mabey we can do a bit upgrade on that. Also the dress code for guests in the dining hall need to be addressed this is a 5 star hotel I don’t need to see people wearing robe with nothing under it with the room sandals is just not cool. However I did see people talking to them about it asking them to change but it took a while. Other than that
It was a wonderful experience and I’ll b back sometime soon and hopefully will see some more upgrades?
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,感謝您對哈爾濱萬達文華酒店的認可。我們重視每位賓客的意見,並不斷提升設施和服務,一流的住宿環境與高品質服務是我們一貫的目標與追求,以期為客人帶來舒適備至並煥然一新的感受。您的支持與鼓勵是我們不斷完善和進步的最大動力。期待您再次光臨體驗。
Executive Deluxe Queen Room
Menginap di Nov 2023
30 ulasan
Diposting pada 1 Feb 2024
Not too good nor too bad. Average experience
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,感謝您選擇哈爾濱萬達文華酒店作為您在冰城的下榻之地。您的每一條點評我們都無比珍視,誠邀您與我們分享您的入住體驗,以便我們不斷完善自身,以期未來為您提供更加滿意的入住體驗。期待與您再次相遇。
Deluxe King
Menginap di Mar 2023
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 29 Jun 2023
Good choice
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,感謝您入住哈爾濱萬達文華酒店。為賓客打造舒適便捷的旅居體驗、將萬達文華品牌的文化精髓植入與日常服務中,是我們對您不變的承諾。再次感謝您的點評與認可,誠邀您再次光臨。
Deluxe Hollywood Twin Room
Menginap di Feb 2025
2 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 4 Mar 2025
중앙대가에서 이틀 머물고 이곳으로 이동해 하루 더 머물렀어요.
호텔 컨디션은 깨끗하고 좋습니다.
직원들도 친절했고, 조식을 이용했는데 비수기라 조용한 분위기였고 종류가 많지는 않았지만 가볍게 즐기기에는 좋았어요.
메인 관광지와는 거리가 있긴 하지만 하루 푹 쉬기에는 좋은 곳이었어요. 바로 옆에 있는 수낙몰이 커서 쇼핑, 마트 장보기, 식사 해결하기도 좋았습니다.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 【地處商圈 位置優越】尊敬的客人,感謝您選擇哈爾濱萬達文華酒店作為您在冰城的下榻之地。酒店自豪華房起設有多個不同房型,可滿足您的需求。優越的地理位置、具有萬達文華品牌特色的服務都將使您感受超值的入住體驗。誠邀您再次光臨。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您的入住及點評。您反饋的情況我們已經分享給相關部門,並立即展開自查。為您提供一個整潔舒適的居停環境是我們應有的責任,再次感謝您的評論,讓我們看到管理中仍有不足。希望本次不愉快經歷不會影響您對哈爾濱萬達文華酒店的信任,誠邀您再次光臨,見證我們的改變與提高。