Hakone Nanase Formerly Known As Manatei Hakone

Ulasan Hakone Nanase Formerly Known As Manatei Hakone

Hakone Nanase Formerly Known As Manatei Hakone

Miyanoshita 469-1, Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa Prefecture, 250-0404, JapanLihat Detail Hotel
Hakone Nanase Formerly Known As Manatei Hakone
Hakone Nanase Formerly Known As Manatei HakoneHakone Nanase Formerly Known As Manatei HakoneHakone Nanase Formerly Known As Manatei Hakone
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Menginap di Jan 2023
20 ulasan
Diposting pada 19 Feb 2023
So happen with super nice snowing view Really really amazing Good hotel with private hot spring for free
Angel Ki
Menginap di Des 2022
8 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 9 Jan 2023
The hotel is near the bus station. There 3 bus route to ride to Hakone tourist spots. Staff with good service and the room with private bath. The meal is good and very traditional. There 3 private bath room for free. Love the hotel environment. Very relaxing and comfy. It’s very good and pleasant stay in this hotel. It’s good for family and friends to stay here. The room is spacious and comfy.
Menginap di Nov 2022
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Diposting pada 12 Des 2022
Good experience and private hot spring is good Dinner is delicious
Menginap di Des 2022
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 9 Feb 2023
本來滿懷期待,真的是大大失望。 定的房間是山景房,有個獨立小温泉。 但是,由於設備老舊,兩扇窗户都漏風。 坐在沙發上能感覺到寒風…… 穿着羽絨服在房間坐了好一會兒… 想想泡個温泉吧,暖暖。沒想到淋浴是冷水!!放了好久還是冷水。 這個時候的心情……… 然後去前台問,前台告訴我忘記説了,説管道遠,要放10幾分鐘才能出熱水… 10幾分鐘……… 我説窗户漏風,好冷 又回覆我説,對,那邊窗户漏風。 我去… 真想罵人… 在我的要求下給了我一個小暖氣 一晚2500的房間,自己真是250了。唉,本來想暖暖的泡個温泉,沒想到各種,不是很推薦
MC 文迪
Menginap di Des 2022
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11 ulasan
Diposting pada 9 Feb 2023
Menginap di Nov 2022
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7 ulasan
Diposting pada 31 Des 2022
Menginap di Des 2024
Diposting pada 9 Jan 2025
In 2018, I stayed at this hotel and was absolutely amazed. The experience left such a deep impression on me that I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I fondly remembered the beautiful piano and violin performances in the lobby, the delightful room with a private hot spring on the balcony, and the cozy Japanese-style private dining rooms serving exquisite cuisine. At the end of last year, I finally booked another stay, excited to relive the magic. Unfortunately, this time was a letdown. While I couldn’t secure a room with a hot spring, the differences went far beyond that. The room I stayed in was quite ordinary, lacking the charm I remembered. The dining area had changed to standard partitions instead of the intimate Japanese-style rooms, and while the food presentation was still stunning, the flavors were unremarkable, and the portions left me feeling unsatisfied. Sadly, this stay didn’t live up to my cherished memories, and I know I won’t be returning again.
Menginap di Feb 2024
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 21 Mar 2024
The staff were lovely and the concept of a private onsen in your room was great for a special occasion (we were on our Honeymoon); we also didn’t struggle to use any of the “shared” private onsen (there are three you turn up and lock the door and it is yours for 45 mins). These were slightly bigger than the private onsen hence why we used both. Whilst the hotel was a lovely experience after the wonderful chaos of Tokyo I’m not sure it was worth the £330 a night we paid. The room needed updating - there were patches of masking tape covering gaps in the floor for example. We also experienced a loud humming noise in our room the duration of the trip that couldn’t be fixed; despite the staff being super helpful. We were in room 47. The food was an experience! If you enjoy sashimi / raw fish you will love it. I have attached pictures of the menu both nights we stayed; night two menu was much preferred. The breakfast was a unique experience (fish and rice) which was nice to try but not our cup of tea as Westerners! Still amazingly presented. Disappointing only water or oolong tea was included in the price and we had to pay 800yen for a beer with the meal given we’d paid so much to stay to begin with. In summary: definitely worth staying somewhere like this on your trip to Japan! But it is expensive so don’t expect a full “five star” experience
Menginap di Sep 2023
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 2 Okt 2023
large, comfortable, scenic rooms with a nice seating area with tatami floors. excellent japanese breakfast ...only problem is , it has to be booked in advance. as with the dinner ...kaiseki dinner but requires a prior booking so we missed out on that. Lovely private and public hot baths. nestled among trees and greenery. quite a revitalising stay!
Menginap di Apr 2023
Diposting pada 8 Mei 2023
We stayed for two nights at this wonderful resort, and it felt like a dream. We booked a suite with a private onsen. The room itself was very large, and the beds quite comfortable. I can't say the same for the sofas, which felt as if they had seen better days and felt awfully springy; thankfully, we didn't need anybody to sleep on them overnight. The private bath was of course the main attraction, and it was just wonderful -- it was so enjoyable we took 4 dips just on the first day. We also tried the family bath down on the 1st floor one afternoon; at no point did they all look full and they were great for stretching out your legs and getting more space to soak in. The food was the other star here. Both dinners were spectacular. The food was traditional Japanese food, with no substitutions or changes; some of the dishes were certainly things we wouldn't have ordered if given the choice, but turned out delicious. For breakfast, we were not offered a choice but simply served a Japanese breakfast. I'm not sure everything was to my palette, but the parts that were were cooked to perfection. I'm talking some of the most perfectly grilled fish I have ever had. The front desk staff was impeccably polite and spoke English with no problems at all. They happily took our bags when we arrived hours before check-in, and even provided some maps of the area. No complaints at all. The resort looks close on the map to Kowakidani train station, but trying to walk the hilly road with no sidewalk while dragging two suitcases was not at all a pleasant experience. The hotel does offer a ride in their private van to/from the train station, which we took advantage of upon checking out and would recommend. Otherwise, the main transportation available is the H bus, which is convenient (running from Hakone-Yumoto all the way down to Lake Ashi), but only comes every 15-20 minutes, can be very crowded, and takes many many tight turns -- great for sightseeing but not recommended if you are bringing luggage!
Menginap di Des 2022
Diposting pada 7 Jan 2023
I wanted to give it a 4.5 star but half a star is obviously not possible so I just round it up lol Anyway, the location is convenient, pretty close to the train station and the good thing is that they gave me a ride from that train station to the hotel, a really good courtesy ride! Bus is also a good option and the closet bus stop is like a 5-min walk away. There are a few things that I really like about this hotel: 1. The art pieces and decor, very detailed, that distinguish itself from other properties 2. The dinner was soooo good! One of the best ryokan dinner experiences I had 3. The in room hot bath is great and it comes with the price that we paid which is a good deal 4. The private bath for rent was not busy, and when I say rent, it is actually free. I went during the autumn leaves season so I could actually view the autumn leaves when I bath, so going in the red leaves season would give you a surprise 5. This is a cozy and quiet hotel, so if you long for some quiet time this would be the place to go. The thing to improve is that some areas of this hotel are dated which need some touch up. But I can live with those, not major actually. All in all I would recommend this hotel!
Menginap di Nov 2023
Diposting pada 25 Des 2023
12月に朝食・夕食つきでスイートに宿泊しました。 ■見晴らし   ★★★★ ■温泉     ★★★★ ■レストラン ★ チェックインの際、夕食を18:00~にするか19:30~にするか選ぶように言われ、「19:30は本日混雑しておりまして」とのことだったので18:00~にしたところ、食事の間中「次が19:30ですので、、、」とせかされ続けました。時間オーバーするようなペースで食べているわけでもないのに居酒屋でもあり得ないようなマナーに驚きました。リゾート地のホテルのお食事時間が1時間半しかないと想定する人は少ないと思いますので、選択時に、「18:00~をお選びの場合は1時間半しかお食事いただけないのですが」と伝えて頂きたかったと思います。万一、1時間半を標準的な食事時間としているベルトコンベヤーのようなホテルなら、そのようにホームページに明記いただければ選ぶ方も助かるかと思います。 ■部屋     ★★ 廊下の大きな声が室内まで聞こえました。あまり壁が厚くないのではと思います。 部屋の床も音が鳴り、たわむので、無垢板材ではなく薄い板床に大理石シートなどを貼り付けた安っぽいリノベーション感がありました。 ■フロント   ★★★ フロントの女性は説明も過不足なく感じがよく素晴らしかったです。チェックイン時の男性につきましては、お食事時間の選択について上記「レストラン」の項目に書かせていただきました改善をお願いできればなお良くなるのではと思います。 ■ブックカフェ ★ 本が少ない上に選書も「〇〇美術の見方」的な初心者向けムックでセンスが感じられず、コーヒーもマシンから紙コップでしたので、自室で持参した本を読むことにしました。
Menginap di Agt 2023
Diposting pada 24 Sep 2023
Séjour der rêve . Grande chambre avec balcon donnant sur une vue époustouflante de la montagne . Le Onsen privée reste une pure merveille . Le coté légèrement désuet accentue encore le charme .les installations restant par ailleurs de très bonne facture. L'hotel est idéalement situé à quelques pas de l'arrêt de bus reliant les principaux sites d'interêt d'Hakone. Nous pouvons rajouter l'esprit particulièrement commercial de la direction qui n'a pas hésité à modifier notre reservation sans aucun frais et le jour de notre arrivée suite à une erreur nous étant entièrement imputable, rien ne l' obligé à ce geste et nous aurions parfaitement compris la facturation d'une nuit perdue . Le personnel très professionnel et sympathique rajoute encore à cette experience que nous inscrivons à notre "short list" des étapes que n'oublierons pas.
Menginap di Mei 2023
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 11 Jun 2023
部屋についている半露天風呂はかけ流しで、熱いです。風呂付きでない部屋でも、貸し切り風呂が3つあるので、便利です。無料のコーヒーの機械があって便利です。部屋も広く落ちきます。川の眺めもいいです。食事は3年前の方が工夫されていて、豪華でした。この2年で食事の内容が落ちたような気がします。その理由で星を4つにしました。 部屋数が19と少ないので、静かで行き届いていると思います。 また利用させて頂きます。
Menginap di Mar 2023
Diposting pada 13 Apr 2023
Hôtel qui a dû être magnifique mais qui est complètement vétuste et mal entretenu. Rien à voir avec les photos. Personnel, nourriture, infrastructures, rien n’y est, et certains bricolages dans la salle de bains m’ont laissée perplexe, voir inquiète. Du coup prix excessif pour ce qu’on a… Dommage.