Avoid Avoid Avoid Recently recive a reply from my experience at this establishment After turning up ,and not getting what the company booked , a double room bed , as on the pics it showed a double bed On arrival and checking in , it was a single bed x 2 , not suitable , big enough for a 8 year old child, never mind a adult , your/there response to my earlier review was , I was blah blah aggressive, when talking to the manager regarding this issue at the time There response can be seen on my earlier post I’m not welcome there ever again due to aggressiveness etc as they stated in there response! If that were the case myself being aggressive to the husband manager at the time (who by the way was laughing in my face, but still I remaind calm and professional and pointed this out , his professionalisim regarding this issue) Is it not every hotels policy that if a person is aggressive blah blah blah, towards staff for any reason , that person would have to leave, and the police be called for that persons behaviour and actions etc towards the staff and asked to leave Oops (I was not at all in any way aggressive as they stated in previous response , or police would of been called, instead I walked away very tired to my extra small single bed in the establishent that we never booked for And I was allowed to stay Mmm VERY VERY STRANGE THAT IS So aggressive I was not told to leave the establishment there and then!! police were not called , at all for this so called aggressiveness or I asked to leave for this aggressiveness , as they stated in there previous response Makes you think DOESNT it Some one being very aggressive towards them They don’t ask you to leave , they don’t phone the police So obviously this can not be true at all MISTAKE ON THERE BEHALF FALSE ALLAGATIONS MADE TOWARDS MYSELF BUT YET NO ACTIONS TAKEN , as POLICY BY ALL HOTELS , for A PRRSONS BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS STAFF LIES LIES LIES BY THIS INDIVIDUAL MANAGER OR HIS OTHER HALF FALSE. STATEMENT MADE IN REPLY SAID IT ALL DIDNT EXPECT ANYTHING LESS MYSELF FROM THEM AS WE GOT ARE MONEY BACK FOR the 4 nights, even tho I had to rough it for 1 night / day 6 hrs as I was working night shift As false advertising on booking . Com for the stated room a double bed Pictures included for it on the site Not a single bed x 2 extra small Disgusted behaviour false allegations and lies from the so called managers Trying to cover up this matter And dishonour myself at the same time Avoid avoid avoid This is at most a £35 pound , being generous a night room hotel , out dated furniture, carpets , extra small beds (single) & toilet shower Not modern at all And room and furniture showing a lot of signs of age , old and dated , and rough THE TRUTH SO VERY VERY HURTS TO THEM THERE MANAGERS AND THE LIES THEY HAVE TOLD ABOUT MYSELF (aggressive ECT) EVEN WORSE NEVER HAPPENED OR I WOULD OF BEEN TOLD TO LEAVE HOTEL THERE AND THEN IF I WAS AGGRESSIVE IN ANY WAY , OR POLICE WOULD OF BEEN CALLED IF