I am editing my previous review. This hotel has an issue. If you stay there contracted to a client be sure they understand the client covers ALL charges to the room on your per diem as the client covers all charges with their card as per contractual agreement. They will insist you provide your own card anyway, and if you arrive late at night? They have you over a barrel. That is how they forced me to provide my banking information. They recently charged my personal business account for a charge that had routinely been covered by my per diem expenses and refused to refund the money. Sort of "swept it under the rug" and hoped it would go away so to speak. I call that a lack of professional integrity. Not to mention the hotel shares parking with a nearby bar, my new truck has been dented twice by drunks coming out of the bar and pulling out in the vehicles. I waited almost two months to see if they would fix the per diem issue but nothing, as I said, "swept under the rug, hoped it would go away". No more. I will be seeking lodgings elsewhere.