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Deluxe Double Room
Menginap di Okt 2024
3 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 26 Nov 2024
A large grand hotel. We went beginning of November just as the main tourist season was over. The swimming pool was shut and generally the hotel felt a bit in hibernation mode. It is well located for taking a taxi to the tourist sites and you can just about walk into the centre of town.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest, Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the swimming pool being shut during your stay. November is indeed a transition period here, and with the main tourist season just over, we do make some adjustments to our facilities for maintenance and other reasons. However, we're glad to hear that our location was convenient for you to access the tourist sites, whether by taxi or on foot to the town center. We hope you still managed to enjoy other aspects of your visit. We'll take your feedback into account and work on improving our services and facilities management to ensure a better experience for our guests in the future. Best regards,
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您入住天河大酒店並與我們分享您的入住體驗!非常榮幸您和家人在酒店度過一個愉快的假期,您全方位的點評及認可是對我們工作最大的支持,您的點評相信也給了很多賓客中肯的建議,感謝您的推薦和對酒店的肯定,賓客滿意正是酒店所追求的目標,希望您下次再次光臨入住酒店並祝您及家人生活愉快!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 非常抱歉沒能給您帶來滿意的入住體驗,給您造成了諸多不便。我們已將您反饋的空調、熱水、水龍頭以及早餐等問題記錄下來,會立即安排專業人員檢修設備,同時也會對早餐種類進行優化。我們始終把客人的滿意度放在首位,希望您能再給我們一次機會,下次入住為您提供更優質的服務,也歡迎您隨時監督指正。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,您好!感謝您入住天河大酒店。非常榮幸在茫茫人海中我們相遇在天河大酒店,也很高興能得到您的認可與支持,心願是風,快樂是帆,幸福是船,心願的風吹着快樂的帆載着幸福的船,飄向您,送給您世上所有的幸福,衹願您快樂每一天!希望您一如既往的喜歡我們酒店,期待與您再次邂逅,祝您幸福安康!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的天河家人:您好!感謝您將我們酒店作為此次出行的下榻之所,給予我們5星好評,與我們一同分享您的入住體驗。能夠讓您的此次入住感到稱心如意,我們深感榮幸!我們將秉承“用心創享滿意”的服務理念,致力於為所有家人提供温暖親切,細緻周到、人性化的服務。再次感謝您對我們的支持和肯定,誠摯期待您和家人、朋友的再次到來。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人,您好!感謝您入住天河大酒店。非常榮幸在茫茫人海中我們相遇在天河大酒店,也很高興能得到您的認可與支持,心願是風,快樂是帆,幸福是船,心願的風吹着快樂的帆載着幸福的船,飄向您,送給您世上所有的幸福,衹願您快樂每一天!希望您一如既往的喜歡我們酒店,期待與您再次邂逅,祝您幸福安康!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的天河家人:您好!感謝您將我們酒店作為此次出行的下榻之所,給予我們5星好評,與我們一同分享您的入住體驗。能夠讓您的此次入住感到稱心如意,我們深感榮幸!我們將秉承“用心創享滿意”的服務理念,致力於為所有家人提供温暖親切,細緻周到、人性化的服務。再次感謝您對我們的支持和肯定,誠摯期待您和家人、朋友的再次到來。