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Dream Silk Road Twin Room
Menginap di Jun 2024
1 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 11 Jul 2024
This hotel is filled with lots of Mogao Grottoes arts. This is my first impression.
It's one of the most famous and prestigious hotel in this region.
Hotel staffs are generally kind.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for staying at the Dunhuang Hotel and your affirmation of our service. We know that your affirmation contains some disappointments. We will take one step at a time, steadfastly do a good job in service, do not run away from fantasy, do not pay attention to false noise, as always adhere to the"Heart to do, to serve" service concept, wish every guest can get a comfortable and comfortable stay here, look forward to your visit again.
Dream Silk Road Double Bed Room
Menginap di Mar 2023
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 9 Apr 2023
Very good base hotel to discover Dunhuang. Great shop adjacent to the (very well decorated) lobby. Good basic local breakfast. Friendly staff
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you for staying at the Dunhuang Hotel and your affirmation of our service. We know that your affirmation contains some disappointments. We will take one step at a time, steadfastly do a good job in service, do not run away from fantasy, do not pay attention to false noise, as always adhere to the"Heart to do, to serve" service concept, wish every guest can get a comfortable and comfortable stay here, look forward to your visit again.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您入住在敦煌賓館並對我們服務的肯定,我們深知您的肯定裏麪包含着些許不如意。我們會一步一個腳印,踏踏實實做好服務工作,不馳於空想,不騖於虛聲,一如既往地堅持“用心做事 以情服務”的服務理念,願每一位入住的客人都能再這裏獲得一份舒心、自在的入住感受,期待您的再次光臨。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的賓客您好!非常感謝您的入住和詳細點評。正是如您一樣的客人對我們的不斷關心和督促,才能使我們不斷發現工作中的問題,獲得改正和不斷進步。從您的點評中,我們很遺憾的看到此次入住未能達到您的期望,給您帶來的不便我們表示歉意。酒店管理層非常重視,並已經做了認真的調查和及時的整改,您的寬容和理解是對我們工作的鼓舞和支持!真誠期待您的再次光臨,會帶給您不一樣的入住體驗!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 感謝您乘着春風入住在敦煌賓館並對我們服務的肯定,我們深知您的肯定裏麪包含着些許不如意。我們會一步一個腳印,踏踏實實做好服務工作,不馳於空想,不騖於虛聲,一如既往地堅持“用心做事 以情服務”的服務理念,願每一位入住的客人都能再這裏獲得一份舒心、自在的入住感受,期待您的再次光臨。