No.105-118 Hucai Road, Yubei District, Chongqing, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
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Steven Wayne
Kamar Pintar Elegan (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Agt 2024
23 ulasan
Diposting pada 19 Sep 2024
The location is very good. There are a lot of small restaurants around the hotel. Check in process was easy. Check out process was very easy. The carpet could use some extra cleaning because there were some stains. There were USB outlets on both sides of the bed which is handy. The lobby is a little difficult to find because it’s tucked back in the restaurant area on the second floor. I’d have no problem with staying here again.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Thank you very much for your valuable review of our hotel. We are delighted to hear that you have had a pleasant time here and are willing to visit again. This is our greatest affirmation and encouragement!Dear customer, regarding the points you mentioned, we greatly appreciate your careful observation and feedbackSuperior location: We are glad that you like the location of our hotel. The abundant small restaurants in the surrounding area do provide guests with a variety of dining options, which is also one of the important factors we considered when choosing our location.Convenient check-in and check-out: We have been committed to optimizing the check-in and check-out process to ensure that every guest can enjoy fast and efficient service. Your affirmation is the driving force for us to continue working hard.Carpet Stain Issue: We deeply apologize for the carpet stains you mentioned. We will immediately notify the housekeeping department to conduct a thorough cleaning and strengthen daily cleaning and maintenance work to ensure the cleanliness and comfort of the guest room environment.Convenient USB sockets: We are glad that you have noticed a small detail in our room design - the USB sockets on both sides of the bed. This is to make it more convenient for guests to charge and use electronic devices, and your satisfaction is exactly what we designed these details for.Lobby location: We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the lobby location. We will consider adding more prominent signage or providing advance notice in the booking confirmation information so that guests can easily locate the lobby.Thank you again for your valuable feedback. Every feedback you provide is a valuable opportunity for us to improve our service quality. Looking forward to welcoming you again in the near future and providing you with a more perfect and thoughtful accommodation experience!
Kamar Pintar Elegan (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Sep 2024
6 ulasan
Diposting pada 24 Okt 2024
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人:收到您的點評,小棲真的很開心能一直陪伴您度過美好的時光。小棲家一直秉承“關愛您無處不在”的服務理念,客人入住的開心及安心一直是我們最為關注的,給您提供最優的入住環境以及給予您歸家般的温暖是我們努力的方向,也希望還有機會能服務於您,讓您見證我們的成長。祝您生活愉快!
Elegant Light Luxury Smart Twin Room
Menginap di Jun 2024
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Agt 2024
Not for foreigners
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear guest: Hello, thank you very much for your feedback on our hotel. We understand and respect the needs and preferences of every guest, and although our hotel design and services are primarily aimed at a diverse customer base, we also recognize that in some aspects, we may not fully meet the expectations of all international travelers. We are always committed to improving service quality, so that every guest who stays can feel the warmth and comfort of being at home. As for the "not suitable for foreigners to stay" you mentioned, we are deeply sorry. We checked and corrected possible shortcomings, including but not limited to language services, international catering options, room facilities, etc., so that we can make improvements in the future.At the same time, we also welcome you to specifically point out which aspects make you feel this way, which will provide valuable reference for us to improve our services. We look forward to providing you and all international travelers with a pleasant accommodation experience at our hotel through our efforts in the near future. Thank you again for your valuable feedback. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you again in the future and prove our changes and growth. Wishing you a happy life!
Serch 9
Yayue Kamar Twin Smart Mewah
Menginap di Feb 2022
43 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 12 Mar 2022
Great location, close to everything you could need (big mall, plenty of restaurants, bank, convenience store, pharmacy, etc.) Friend staff too... Overall Good!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 您的肯定成為小棲生命中最美的點綴,您簡單的話語,是我們執着努力的動力和源泉,能想象您在輕敲鍵盤時嘴角微微上揚的樣子,願您工作順利,每天都能體驗到各種小幸福哦!非常感謝您的入住與點評,期待與您下次相遇!我們一定會將更好的自己展現給您及更多的家人,爭取您下次到來小棲能得到滿分!祝您生活愉快!工作順利!
Suite Pintar (Bathtub, kulkas)
Menginap di Jun 2022
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 6 Agt 2022
Great Location. Very Basic Facilities.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人:您好,感谢选择望山栖轻奢酒店(重庆光环购物广场店)并与我们分享您的入住体验。小栖家主打智能轻奢风,从您进入大堂开始,我们就有一整套的服务流程与严格的卫生标准,只为给您提供最优质的入住环境,也非常的感谢您对我们酒店的认可与赞扬,希望还有机会能服务于您并获得您的满房肯定。顺祝您旅途愉快!Dear guests: Hello, thank you for choosing wangshanqi light luxury hotel (Chongqing Guanghuan shopping plaza) and sharing your stay experience with us. Xiaoqi home focuses on smart luxury. From the moment you enter the lobby, we have a complete set of service processes and strict sanitary standards, only to provide you with the best quality living environment. We also thank you for your recognition and praise of our hotel. We hope that we will have the opportunity to serve you and get your full room recognition. I wish you a pleasant journey!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常感謝您選擇入住我們酒店,並抽出寶貴時間分享您的入住體驗。我們非常高興得知您對前台服務、房間衞生、早餐以及洗衣房設施的整體滿意度。您的認可是對我們工作的最大鼓勵,尤其是我們團隊的熱情服務能夠為您帶來愉快的入住體驗,這讓我們倍感欣慰。關於您提到的電視機問題,我們深感抱歉給您帶來了不便。小棲已經安排工程部對您所住房型進行檢修,確保此類問題不再發生,以提升您的入住體驗。再次感謝您的寶貴反饋,我們期待在不久的將來再次為您服務,併為您提供更加完美的入住體驗。祝您旅途愉快,生活順心!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常感謝您的五星好評和用心分享!我們非常高興得知您對酒店的設施、衞生環境以及服務感到滿意,尤其是工作人員及時為您解決了電視問題,這體現了我們服務團隊的專業與高效。同時,酒店優越的地理位置也為您的出行提供了便利,我們很高興能為您的旅程增添一份舒適與愉悦。您的認可是對我們最大的鼓勵,我們會繼續努力,為每一位客人提供更優質的入住體驗。期待您的再次光臨,祝您旅途愉快,生活順心!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人:您好,感謝您一直持續選擇小棲家的酒店並給予我們的點評。小棲家地理位置優越,裝修風格簡約大氣,一直深受所有客人認可以及喜愛的,我們一直堅持“關愛您無處不在”的服務理念,衹為讓所有的客人有歸家般的温暖,讓您們入住的舒心及安心,是小棲家全體同仁一直需要努力且保持的,我們一直不斷的成長與進步,也非常希望下一次還能再服務於您還能獲得您的滿分認可。祝您新春愉快。
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人:感謝您選擇入住望山棲輕奢酒店(重慶光環廣場店),很開心能陪伴您度過一段美好的時光。酒店毗鄰重光地鐵站(4A)出口,周邊美食、健身SPA一應俱全,酒店對面就是網紅商場-重慶光環購物中心,咱家房間內部風格以輕奢現代,格調簡約的旅居生活空間為主題,房間通透大氣,面積約33-45m,衞生間乾濕分區,給大家提供最優質的入住環境,一直是我們所堅持的,在店期間有任何問題,隨時聯繫前廳小姐姐,我們將第一時間為您服務。祝您生活愉快!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人:感謝您選擇入住望山棲輕奢酒店(重慶光環廣場店),很開心能陪伴您度過一段美好的時光。酒店毗鄰重光地鐵站(4A)出口,周邊美食、健身SPA一應俱全,酒店對面就是網紅商場-重慶光環購物中心,咱家房間內部風格以輕奢現代,格調簡約的旅居生活空間為主題,房間通透大氣,面積約33-45m,衞生間乾濕分區,給大家提供最優質的入住環境,一直是我們所堅持的,在店期間有任何問題,隨時聯繫前廳小姐姐,我們將第一時間為您服務。祝您生活愉快!
Kamar Pintar Elegan (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Feb 2025
20 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Mar 2025
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人:您好,感謝多次選擇小棲家,很開心能陪伴您度過那麼多愉快的時光!酒店毗鄰重光地鐵站(4A)出口,周邊美食、健身SPA一應俱全,房間內部風格以輕奢現代,格調簡約的旅居生活空間為主題,房間通透大氣,面積約33-45m,衞生間乾濕分區,即使過往匆匆,也能真切感受到簡約與品質感。能得到您的不吝誇獎,小棲感到格外的榮幸。您的支持與鼓勵是我們前進的最大動力,祝您生活愉快!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人:您好,感謝選擇小棲家的酒店並給予我們的點評。小棲家地理位置優越,裝修風格簡約大氣,一直深受所有客人認可以及喜愛的,我們一直堅持“關愛您無處不在”的服務理念,衹為讓所有的客人有歸家般的温暖,讓您們入住的舒心及安心,是小棲家全體同仁一直需要努力且保持的,我們一直不斷的成長與進步,也非常希望下一次還能再服務於您還能獲得您的滿分認可。祝您生活愉快。
Elegant Light Luxury Smart Twin Room
Menginap di Jan 2025
30 ulasan
Diposting pada 16 Feb 2025
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常感謝您選擇入住我們酒店,並分享您的寶貴意見!我們很高興得知您對酒店的硬件設施、地理位置以及服務感到滿意,您的認可是對我們工作的最大鼓勵。關於您提到的臨街噪音問題,我們深表歉意。為了提升您的入住體驗,我們建議您下次入住時可以選擇背街的房間,或提前告知我們您的需求,我們將盡力為您安排更為安靜的房間。同時,我們也會進一步研究如何優化隔音措施,以減少外部噪音對客人的影響。再次感謝您的反饋,期待您的再次光臨,我們將竭誠為您提供更舒適的入住體驗!祝您生活愉快!
Kamar Pintar Elegan (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Jan 2025
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 5 Feb 2025
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的客人:收到您的點評,小棲真的很開心能一直陪伴您度過美好的時光。小棲家一直秉承“關愛您無處不在”的服務理念,客人入住的開心及安心一直是我們最為關注的,給您提供最優的入住環境以及給予您歸家般的温暖是我們努力的方向,也希望還有機會能服務於您,讓您見證我們的成長。祝您新春愉快!
Tanggapan dari Properti: 親愛的客人:您好,感謝選擇小棲家的酒店並給予我們的點評。小棲家地理位置優越,裝修風格簡約大氣,一直深受所有客人認可以及喜愛的,我們一直堅持“關愛您無處不在”的服務理念,衹為讓所有的客人有歸家般的温暖,讓您們入住的舒心及安心,是小棲家全體同仁一直需要努力且保持的,我們一直不斷的成長與進步,也非常希望下一次還能再服務於您還能獲得您的滿分認可。祝您生活愉快。