The Staff will do anything for you with joy and brains. Located in the midst of a pedestiran only plaza in Old Town. Ancient. Nothing over 4 - 5 stories. Liked · Breakfast was upscale, served by Waiter, both in the 60 seat restaurant with glass to street view; while the room service was perfect as well. The entry doors to each room are about 8' high; all varbished wood; and all carved with images and designs which are priceless. ALL staff are so willing to be helpful. The Front Desk Manager, Abrahim, is so cordial, and also th eperfect Concierge. He even had a staff person walk me up 3 blocks amidst heavy traffic, pedestrians, side streets, diagonal streets so I would not ge t lost; and this Moroccan upscale establishement defines Cassablanca in class, menu selections and presentation. Disliked · As an old Building, the entry stairs are a challenge for some elderly. Nevertheless, a Bell Hop rushes outside to take ALL luggage of your hands for those stairs. The lift starts at the 2nd floor so there is a winding staircase in classic marble, which one has to climb for access to any room. The stairs is not really a NOT LIKE. It is an understandable hurdle. If you seek modern, skip Cassablanca or stay down town where you will not know if you are in Miami Beach or Africa.