Walls paper thin, was awoken at least 3 times with other guest arriving at early hours of the morning and talking endlessly…loudly. Very inconsiderate, but hey Im in a new country so it’s not for me to tell them to shut it! Bed linen extremely cheap and wrinkles easily making the sleep quality very poor, bottom sheet would not stay in place. Managed to totally flood the bathroom owing to inadequate glass inclosure to stop water from staying within the bath. Never got a replacement towel for the soaked one I left out to have taken away. TV kept coming on at random times, so I had to totally disconnect it. Air conditioning rattles so had to turn that off - yet I needed it. Overall, I cannot recommend this hotel for a comfortable night. I guess I have learnt that you get what you pay for, it was cheap - for a reason. I did not get any restful sleep at all.