The room they gave us resembled a nuns cell, crab and bare. There was mould around the filthy windows and the plaster was cracked around the frames. The carpet was covered in stains as were the bases of the two single beds. The only chair was so rickety I was afraid to sit in it. We asked to be moved, we waited 30 minutes for another room that was marginally better. The walls were scuffed and chipped, the tables were loose from the walls, the chair was still rickety. The chairs on the balcony were engrained with filthy. The shower over the bath had no bottom seal so the bathroom flooded. There was one thin lumpy pillow each, no water or glasses. We didn't get an apology or an offer to move our luggage, just a shrug of the shoulders! Outside was even worse. The pool was dirty with broken paving all around. No one was swimming in it. The tennis court was awful, broken surface, cracked and dirty. The pictures of this hotel are definitely photo shopped as it looks nothing like them, it is grab, dark and miserable. Breakfast was passable. The best thing about this awful hotel is driving away from it! It is barely a 1* no way a 4* and the owners should be ashamed to list it as such.