Renjoy Hotel

Ulasan Renjoy Hotel

Renjoy Hotel

No.34 Xintaicang Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, ChinaLihat Detail Hotel
Renjoy Hotel
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Kamar Tamu (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Agt 2023
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Okt 2023
Ruangan terlalu kecil dan menyedihkan. Bahkan tidak ada kursi. Tidak ada tempat untuk meletakkan pakaian setelah mandi. Pintu kamar mandi tertutup rapat. Setelah mandi, lorong di luar akan terisi air. Tidak masalah betapa hati-hatinya kamu, tidak ada gunanya. Ventilasi Tidak, kamarnya berbau aneh. Kami awalnya memesan untuk empat malam dan membatalkan keesokan harinya. Waktu check-out adalah jam 7.15. Kami berencana untuk mengambil dua sarapan karena kami akan pergi ke Universal. Front desk dan staf lainnya menjawab bahwa sarapan akan dimulai jam 7.30., masih ada 15 menit lagi, dan sekarang tidak ada sarapan. Bikin nangis kalau terlalu banyak membicarakannya. Kami memilihnya karena Ctrip punya ratingnya relatif tinggi, jadi kami sedikit kecewa.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Yunjuke yang terhormat, terima kasih banyak atas ulasan Anda yang bijaksana. Pertama-tama, kami ingin meminta maaf kepada Anda. Sarapan disajikan tepat waktu pada pukul 07.30 setiap hari. Setelah makan, barangnya relatif lengkap. Karena stafnya alasan, kami tidak menyampaikannya kepada Anda. Saya mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini. Menanggapi pertanyaan yang Anda ajukan, kami pasti akan memperkuat pelatihan staf kami. Kami terletak di gang tua di Jalan Guijie, East Second Ring Road, gang-gang tua khas Beijing semuanya adalah bungalow, dan tata ruangnya relatif kompak. Kami Ada berbagai tipe kamar dengan ukuran berbeda untuk dipilih. Tipe kamar besar termasuk Bozhou, Yiqiao, Caige, Danhuai, dll. Zhuiyu twin kamar juga memiliki jendela eksterior, sofa, dan meja, tidak Kami sangat menyesal menerima pujian lima poin Anda. Kami akan terus meningkatkan tingkat perangkat keras dan kualitas layanan kami. Kami menantikan kunjungan Anda berikutnya. Kami harap Anda dapat memberi kami a kesempatan untuk meminta maaf dan merasakan layanan kami lagi Yunju Hotel dengan senang hati Kami akan terus bekerja keras untuk menciptakan lingkungan hidup yang hangat dan nyaman bagi para tamu kami dan terus memberikan kepedulian Anda di cloud. - Hidup itu santai dan menyenangkan, dan lingkungannya seperti hidup di awan!
Family Room
Menginap di Okt 2022
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 17 Nov 2022
Pikiran saya setelah tinggal selama 26 hari: Sikap pelayanannya sangat buruk! Sikap pelayan di meja depan sangat buruk, dia adalah pelayan yang sedikit gemuk! Selanjutnya secara kolektif disebut sebagai perempuan! 1. Harga: Mereka bilang akan tinggal selama sebulan, tapi wanita itu mengutip 500 per hari! Hanya 360 daring! ! 2. Sikap: Sikap yang sangat kuat! Tidak ada rasa pelayanan! Dia tidak pernah mengangkat matanya ketika ditanya tentang harganya. Kami melakukan beberapa pertukaran selama kami tinggal, dan dia tidak pernah menggunakan kata-kata peringatan saat berbicara! Sampah industri jasa! Sungguh tidak berdaya menghadapi hotel seperti ini tanpa kesadaran kualitas dan pelayanan! 3. Karakter buruk: Ketika saya memperpanjang masa tinggal saya, mereka menuduh saya tidak bekerja sama dengan mereka selama kunjungan terakhir! Yang ini tahu cara membaca perkataan orang! Sikap yang sangat buruk! Dan kata-kata yang kuat! 4. Perpanjang masa tinggal Anda setelah keluar dari rumah sakit (bagasi disimpan di hotel, jadi Anda tidak punya pilihan selain memperpanjang masa tinggal Anda): Satu orang memegang kartu identitas elektronik dan tidak diperbolehkan untuk check-in. Ibu punya baru saja keluar dari rumah sakit dan dalam keadaan lemah, namun dia mengharuskan dia pergi ke kantor polisi untuk mendapatkan surat keterangan sebelum dia dapat check-in. Dan melakukan fitnah di atas, mencoba berkomunikasi dengan ibu untuk pindah terlebih dahulu, tetapi untuk tidak berhasil! Tapi ditolak! Dan sikapnya sangat buruk! Mari kita tunggu dulu! Namun setelah menunggu lama, tidak ada balasan. 5. Tanya langsung ke pengelola: Berikan solusi yang memuaskan, biarkan ibu saya check in dan istirahat, dan staf akan membawa saya ke kantor polisi untuk mengeluarkan surat keterangan (ternyata hal ini biasa)! Tetapi putri saya meminta saya mengemudi sendiri dan menolak mengizinkan ibu saya check-in terlebih dahulu! ! ! 6. Pertengkaran: Karena seluruh proses penanganan dan sikap wanita tersebut sangat buruk! Jadi saya langsung mengadu ke manajer! Saat itu sungguh menyedihkan! Langsung menunjukkan masalah wanita tersebut, namun wanita tersebut sebenarnya ingin melawan dan tidak ada niat untuk meminta maaf! Dihentikan oleh manajer! 7. Manajer hanya akan meminta maaf, dan karyawan tidak memberikan tanggapan apa pun sampai check-out! Ia pun mengatakan akan memberikan jawaban yang memuaskan! Itu semua hanya gertakan
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu yang terhormat, Halo, kami mohon maaf karena telah memberikan pengalaman buruk selama Anda menginap. Menanggapi pertanyaan yang Anda ajukan, kami telah menyesuaikan lebih lanjut staf kami dan melatih kembali staf kami. Kami menantikan kunjungan Anda lagi. Rasakan pengalaman kami melayani dan berharap Anda dan bibi Anda bahagia dan sehat.
Kamar Tamu (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Mar 2023
6 ulasan
Diposting pada 2 Jun 2023
Begitu kami check in, front desk meminta kami untuk membatalkan Ctrip dan memesan langsung di lokasi. Katanya sama saja dan sudah termasuk sarapan. Saya bilang tidak, kami memesan sarapan. Ruangan itu kecil, berisik, dan bukan halaman rumah standar. Tidak ada seorang pun di meja depan yang memberikan arahan. Setelah check-in, saya berlari naik turun beberapa kali sebelum menemukan kamar. Jauh lebih buruk daripada Qiuguo. Fakturnya juga sangat lambat dan ada kesalahan. Saya bertanya bagaimana caranya lama sekali dan front desk bilang satu menit, butuh setengah jam berkendara, dan saya hampir ketinggalan kereta karena delay. Kami menyepakati waktu minum teh, tetapi akhirnya menunggu di ayunan di halaman setidaknya selama 40 menit. Lalu saya berlari untuk mencari meja depan. Meja depan mengatakan bahwa tidak ada seorang pun yang terlihat di halaman. Bahkan mereka berempat pun tidak. mereka bisa dilihat. Saya terdiam dan bergegas mengunjungi tempat wisata itu lagi., teh sore belum selesai sama sekali.
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Tamu Yunju yang terhormat: Halo, pertama-tama, saya ingin menyampaikan salam saya kepada Yunshang. Kami dengan tulus meminta maaf atas pengalaman buruk yang Anda alami selama menginap. Masukan Anda segera kami tindak lanjuti dan lakukan perbaikan. Kami akan terus meningkatkan kualitas layanan kami. Kami juga berharap Anda dapat memberi kami kesempatan untuk meminta maaf dan merasakan layanan kami kembali. Kami menantikan kedatangan Anda kembali. Yunju Hotel akan terus melanjutkan untuk Kami berusaha keras untuk menciptakan lingkungan hidup yang hangat dan nyaman bagi para tamu kami dan terus memberikan kepedulian kepada Anda di cloud. - Hidup itu santai dan menyenangkan, dan lingkungannya seperti hidup di awan!
Kamar Tamu (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Mar 2023
10 ulasan
Diposting pada 25 Jun 2023
Jika Anda tidak ingin merasakan ***a rumah pekarangan. Disarankan untuk tidak menginap. Kamarnya terlalu kecil. Bahkan tidak cukup untuk dua koper, satu besar dan satu kecil. Variasi sarapan terlalu sedikit. Restorannya ada di lantai dua dan Anda harus naik tangga. Tidak cukup kursi. Ada begitu banyak tamu selama menginap sehingga persediaan sarapan terbatas. Tamu harus membawa makanan sendiri untuk dimakan di luar taman. Meskipun kami telah memesan sarapan selama tiga hari, kami tidak makan di hotel bahkan satu hari pun. Hotel berjarak 10 menit berjalan kaki dari stasiun kereta bawah tanah. Melewati gang. Taksi tidak bisa langsung menuju hotel. Tidak nyaman untuk pergi ke stasiun atau bandara jika Anda memiliki barang bawaan yang besar. Pelayanan staf front desk rata-rata dan kadang tidak bersedia membantu sama sekali.  
Teks AsliTerjemahkan dengan Google
Tanggapan dari Properti: Yunjuke yang terhormat, terima kasih banyak atas ulasan Anda yang bijaksana. Pertama-tama, kami ingin meminta maaf atas pengalaman buruk yang Anda alami selama menginap. Kami juga menanggapi pertanyaan Anda dengan sangat serius dan telah Memberikan umpan balik kepada kepala koki untuk memperkuat perbaikan . Kami berlokasi di gang tua di Jalan Guijie, Jalan Lingkar Kedua Timur. Ciri khas gang tua Beijing semuanya adalah bungalow. Tata letak ruangan relatif kompak, sehingga beberapa tipe kamar lebih indah. Kami memiliki berbagai tipe kamar dengan ukuran berbeda untuk Pilih dari sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang berbeda. Mengenai masalah taksi yang Anda sebutkan, setelah Anda melakukan pemesanan di software taxi-hailing, pengemudi dapat mengikuti lokasi untuk mencapai hotel.Karena jalan di gang relatif sempit, sebaiknya lakukan reservasi terlebih dahulu sesuai ke waktu perjalanan anda untuk menghindari tertundanya perjalanan anda selanjutnya akibat kemacetan lalu lintas. Jika anda memerlukan bantuan, anda dapat segera melaporkannya ke front desk. Semua staf hotel siap dihubungi 24 jam sehari dan sangat senang bekerja keras untuk menciptakan lingkungan hidup yang hangat dan nyaman untuk Anda dan tamu kami. Kami juga berharap Anda dapat memberi kami kesempatan untuk meminta maaf. Kami akan terus meningkatkan tingkat perangkat keras dan kualitas layanan kami dan menantikan kunjungan Anda berikutnya. - Hidup itu santai dan menyenangkan, dan lingkungannya seperti hidup di awan!
Kamar Superior Duplex
Menginap di Des 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 14 Jan 2025
If you are after authentic Beijing ‘Hutong’ culture and you like the night city with street food, it's worth staying at Renjoy Hotel in Beijing. Our family had a great stay in recent time. Winter is the low season for tourists due to the coldness in Beijing, however we made the best of our trip by staying downtown. The Forbidden City, Wangfujing Street, and Lama Temple are all nearby by a quick ride. The offering of using the hotel’s washing machine & dryer was such a bonus when you travel with young children. Kids loved the house cat ‘Yuanbao’. One suggestion might be to have different blanket options as top bunk’s temperature was hotter. Overall, we were very happy with our stay.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的雲居客:您好,首先致以雲上問候, 很高興我們能陪您度過這段在雲居酒店的創憶之旅。謝謝親的支持,非常遺憾沒有得到您的五星好評。雲居酒店以不斷的為客人營造温馨舒適的居住環境而努力,為您持續帶來雲上關懷。 -浮生閑趣,境然雲居!
Kamar Tamu (Point Silent Big bed )
Menginap di Nov 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 27 Jan 2025
Nice and clean room, just as advertised in the pictures. Kind staff. The only negative thing was the cigarette smell in the toilet area.
Tanggapan dari Properti: 尊敬的雲居客:您好,首先致以雲上問候, 很高興我們能陪您度過這段在雲居酒店的創憶之旅。謝謝親的支持,非常遺憾沒有得到您的五星好評。雲居酒店以不斷的為客人營造温馨舒適的居住環境而努力,為您持續帶來雲上關懷。 -浮生閑趣,境然雲居!
Kamar Deluxe Duplex
Menginap di Nov 2024
5 ulasan
Diposting pada 11 Des 2024
A very pleasant siheyuan hotel inside an old Beijing residential area. Walking along the hutong allows one to get a glimpse of the lives of people living in the hutong. The staff at the hotel were very helpful and patient in attending to our queries on taking cab, operating washing machine, going to places of interests and railway station. The hotel is centrally located and walkable from the subway8 station which happens to be the last station (beixinqiao) of airport express subway. The room was clean. Though it is not very spacious, efficient use of available space helps us overcome this challenge. Though the hotel has limited amenities, whatever it offers is sufficient to make our stay a very pleasant one. An excellent choice for guest who want to experience staying in siheyuan.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Yunju Guest: Hello, first of all, I would like to extend my greetings from Yunshang. We are very glad that we can accompany you on this memorable journey at Yunju Hotel. Thank you for staying at the hotel and sharing your stay experience. I am glad that every aspect of the hotel has been recognized by you. Through your meticulous description, you can feel the happiness this trip has brought to you. Looking forward to your return again, Yunju Hotel will continue to work hard to create a warm and comfortable living environment for guests and continue to bring you cloud care. -Floating life and leisurely life, living in a cloud-like environment
Kamar Tamu (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Sep 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 5 Nov 2024
This hotel is located within the old streets but the main street is about 5 minutes walk with food choices, very accessible from the airport also as the nearest station is linked (station about 8 minutes walk). My elderly parents wanted to rest after a night flight, and the hotel staff were very kind to offer a room that is already cleaned (subjected to availability, got to hope someone else checked out early). Anything you need, you can ask and they will do their best. Pleasant stay.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Yunju Guest: Hello, first of all, I would like to extend my greetings from Yunshang. We are very glad that we can accompany you on this memorable journey at Yunju Hotel. Thank you for staying at the hotel and sharing your stay experience. I am glad that every aspect of the hotel has been recognized by you. Through your meticulous description, you can feel the happiness this trip has brought to you. Looking forward to your return again, Yunju Hotel will continue to work hard to create a warm and comfortable living environment for guests and continue to bring you cloud care. -Floating life and leisurely life, living in a cloud-like environment
Pengguna Anonim
Kamar Superior Duplex
Menginap di Sep 2024
Bepergian dengan teman
3 ulasan
Diposting pada 3 Nov 2024
Location is good. Near to metro and eatery places. Walkable to Nan Luo Gu Xiang and Shi Sha Hai. All the receptions are very helpful. Facilities is new and clean. Most important is free laundry and send back to the room. 👍
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Yunju Guest: Hello, first of all, I would like to extend my greetings from Yunshang. We are very glad that we can accompany you on this memorable journey at Yunju Hotel. Thank you for staying at the hotel and sharing your stay experience. I am glad that every aspect of the hotel has been recognized by you. Through your meticulous description, you can feel the happiness this trip has brought to you. Looking forward to your return again, Yunju Hotel will continue to work hard to create a warm and comfortable living environment for guests and continue to bring you cloud care. -Floating life and leisurely life, living in a cloud-like environment
Kamar Tamu (Tempat Tidur Double)
Menginap di Okt 2024
1 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Diposting pada 11 Nov 2024
Great 4 nights stay at Renjoy Hotel . Very friendly hotel staffs with warm greetings.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Yunju: Hello, first of all, I would like to extend my greetings to Yunju, I am glad that we can accompany you through this journey of memories in Yunju Hotel. Thank you for your support, it's a pity that I didn't get your five-star praise. Yunju Hotel strives to create a warm and comfortable living environment for guests, and continues to bring you cloud care. - Floating and fun, living in the clouds!
Pengguna Anonim
Kamar Tamu (2 tempat tidur)
Menginap di Sep 2024
4 ulasan
Diposting pada 23 Okt 2024
Stayed for 3 nights and chose this hotel for a more relaxed experience as our dates overlapped with the National Holidays. It has a nice and cozy courtyard where you can chill outside (the good weather was a plus!) which includes a mini fish pond, a seat swing. There’s also a cute cat that roams around as well. Building wise - There’s a total of 2 levels of rooms based on what I know. There’s no lift to the 2nd storey so remember to request for rooms on level 1 if you have difficulties accessing. Location - located in an old street of Beijing which is an experience I would say as surrounding are old houses and there are people that live there. As its located in an old street, it may be difficult for cars to drive in. One driver managed to drive in when we arrived but another driver requested us to come out to the main street when we are leaving the hotel. However that wasn’t an issue as its just a 5 min walk out to the main street (Guijie Street). Gui Jie street is a popular food street with many shops and restaurants and mostly opens at night and bustling with people. At one end of the Gui Jie, you will reach a metro station (~10min walk from hotel). Overall, a pleasant location for us. Breakfast - Simple breakfast located at the 2nd level of the building. Includes some simple chinese dishes as well as bread. Not a widespread, but it is sufficient. Room - Room is clean and cozy which includes a tea set for you to make tea and enjoy. The toilet is divided into dry and wet area (basin is located outside in the room). One of the downside personally on the toilet is that the glass is frosted (can see through a quite a bit with light) so it could be a bit uncomfortable depending who you are staying with. Separately since it is separated into wet and dry area, the shower area is quite small with only one hook located at the side and your clothes will get wet if you hang it there. One good thing is their brand for shampoo, soap etc smells really good. Amenities - free washing machine and dryer!! The machines are those small type so remember not to wash everything at one go. Dryer is not that strong so for a small amount of clothes you probably need 1 hour to dry it. You can collect small packets of detergent from the reception. Very good! Overall it is a very pleasant stay and the hotel staff gave us small token when we are leaving. Highly recommend this place if you are looking for a different experience from a city-hotel!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Yunju Guest: Hello, first of all, I would like to extend my greetings from Yunshang. We are very glad that we can accompany you on this memorable journey at Yunju Hotel. Thank you for staying at the hotel and sharing your stay experience. I am glad that every aspect of the hotel has been recognized by you. Through your meticulous description, you can feel the happiness this trip has brought to you. Looking forward to your return again, Yunju Hotel will continue to work hard to create a warm and comfortable living environment for guests and continue to bring you cloud care. -Floating life and leisurely life, living in a cloud-like environment
Pengguna Anonim
Family Room
Menginap di Agt 2024
14 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Diposting pada 17 Sep 2024
Staff are friendly and helpful. The hotel even provides free laundry services (wash n dry our clothings when we were out!)..this is indeed surprising to us. They will replenish free drinks (water and soft drink ) everyday. we have enjoyed their hospitality.. The only disadvantage we were having was the chauffeurs reluctant to drop off/ pickup at the hotel entrance door steps, we need to carry our own luggages and walked across 100 meters to the main road. Foods and public transports (subway n buses ) are available within walking distance. Many well known restaurants are nearby. there are 24 hours drinking n eating outlets in the vicinity. Location of hotel is considered superb to those whom likes to try out local specialities..
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Yunju guest: Hello, first of all, I would like to extend my greetings from the cloud. We are glad that we can accompany you through this journey of creating memories in Yunju Hotel. Thank you for staying at the hotel and sharing your stay experience. It is a pity that we did not receive your five-point praise. We will continue to work hard and look forward to your return. Yunju Hotel strives to continuously create a warm and comfortable living environment for guests and continue to bring you care from the cloud. -Leisure life, Yunju!
Kamar Deluxe Duplex
Menginap di Des 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 11 Jan 2025
The room feels very comfortable and the service is excellent. The staffs are very friendly and helpful. There are hot tea provided in the lobby which is really heart warming in the winter.
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Yunju Guest: Hello, first of all, I would like to extend my greetings from Yunshang. We are very glad that we can accompany you on this memorable journey at Yunju Hotel. Thank you for staying at the hotel and sharing your stay experience. I am glad that every aspect of the hotel has been recognized by you. Through your meticulous description, you can feel the happiness this trip has brought to you. Looking forward to your return again, Yunju Hotel will continue to work hard to create a warm and comfortable living environment for guests and continue to bring you cloud care. -Floating life and leisurely life, living in a cloud-like environment
Hwee Nee
Kamar Superior Duplex
Menginap di Okt 2024
2 ulasan
Diposting pada 1 Des 2024
Good service! Especially 小冯, he is friendly and very helpful! Thank you to all counter service staffs too for the help during our stay!
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Yunju Guest: Hello, first of all, I would like to extend my greetings from Yunshang. We are very glad that we can accompany you on this memorable journey at Yunju Hotel. Thank you for staying at the hotel and sharing your stay experience. I am glad that every aspect of the hotel has been recognized by you. Through your meticulous description, you can feel the happiness this trip has brought to you. Looking forward to your return again, Yunju Hotel will continue to work hard to create a warm and comfortable living environment for guests and continue to bring you cloud care. -Floating life and leisurely life, living in a cloud-like environment
Tan Ann Ni
Kamar Deluxe Duplex
Menginap di Okt 2024
1 ulasan
Diposting pada 21 Nov 2024
Very good service and nice clean room. Complimentary fruit tray daily and free laundry service. Will stay again if come back to Beijing
Tanggapan dari Properti: Dear Yunju Guest: Hello, first of all, I would like to extend my greetings from Yunshang. We are very glad that we can accompany you on this memorable journey at Yunju Hotel. Thank you for staying at the hotel and sharing your stay experience. I am glad that every aspect of the hotel has been recognized by you. Through your meticulous description, you can feel the happiness this trip has brought to you. Looking forward to your return again, Yunju Hotel will continue to work hard to create a warm and comfortable living environment for guests and continue to bring you cloud care. -Floating life and leisurely life, living in a cloud-like environment