First impressions are good in so far that the gated hotel with private car park was nice. The security guard welcoming and helpful. Generally clean. For us that’s where it stops and goes down hill fast from there. The beds are very familiar Philippine rock hard, both our rooms had 1 bar, really low internet all the time. Advertised High speed internet is rubbish., couldn’t use it. The shower literally dribbles water out, way below basic standard in my opinion. Can’t have a good shower. There is a open power point in the roof of the shower that plugs the dodgy hot water system in. A power point socket actually in the shower- seriously. We ate bistro food squid which was horrible, decided not to eat there again. Breakfast food was ok but I have to say this place lacks the basic amenities for a comfortable and pleasant stay- lift your minimum standard, I will be staying elsewhere next time.