So have stayed at this hotel 3 times now. The hotel is good the sauna area is ok. The evening meals great, BUT. And it's a big few buts. 1st I am in Sweden home of meatballs. But all 3 mornings I was there they were burnt, along with the bacon, totally burnt uneatable, 2nd they do not have a accident book or a complaints book, to which I always thought a least accident book is mandatory, when you have an accident or a complaint firstly the staff are not interested and physically say to your face I DON'T CARE. And I DON'T WANT TO KNOW, after pushing i eventually received a a4 sheet of paper to write my concerns on, I asked for the manager to phone me as I had to leave before they came on duty and am still waiting 3 days later. I even had a Swedish friend phone to speak to them in Swedish and they refused, if you do stay here do not use the slippers for the sauna area because as soon as they touch water and obviously there is lots all over you could easily SLIP.