Too many negative issues--all of which could be prevented. While there is much natural beauty and beautiful cliff-side views of the sea, the following make this a never-return--especially on a Thursday-- which is "maintainance day". This means that after 9:30 am the quiet of eating breakfast and being at the pool will be disturbed by a lawn mower and weed-wackers. Why this doesn't begin very early in the morning where this particular area is deserted, I don't know. And, of course, using machines that are more quiet. Pace the "maintenance" where there are the least number of of people.Or, warn people on the website, that Thursday is not a day to expect relaxation. Next, was wasting a day getting a room switch because the air conditioner was broken. There was an insistance that the a/c could be fixed which it clearly could not be from the outset. Ultimately, several hours later, there was an acknowledgement of a broken a/c and a room change. What was not mentioned, except at breakfast the next day, was that we would have to change rooms yet again. Perhaps the most egregious, is that we arrived circa 2:00 when brutally hot, and found there was 1). nowhere to put the car and 2) there seemed to only be a very very long walk down a path too narrow for a car, to get to the property. After arriving dripping with sweat, we were told about an email sent out with instructions to call to be picked up by a cart. An email was NEVER received and did not end up in spam. It was just an oversight. Not ok especially when the heat is extreme. The accomodations themselves look like a motel. It is the view and natural beauty that is the draw. Not enough to ever return or recommend this to anyone. By the way, our room is 650 Euros a night.